50 Iteration Poster
Research an iconic, historical poster. Learn about its provenance and the designer who created it. Then, reimagine the poster 50 ways. After creating 50 new posters, translate into digital form.
Poster Motion

The poster contains many elements of reorganization, representing the athletes' regrouping and recovery after the carnage. A special effect like a mirror was added to the side of the poster, which was broken but still visible in its entirety. As with the games, the athletes did not give up on the competition and insisted on returning to fight for the honor of their country.
The poster contains many elements of reorganization, representing the athletes' regrouping and recovery after the carnage. A special effect like a mirror was added to the side of the poster, which was broken but still visible in its entirety. As with the games, the athletes did not give up on the competition and insisted on returning to fight for the honor of their country.