Recreate the book layout.
Letterletter was a journal published by Gerrit
Noordzij during the last two decades of the twen-
tieth century. The collection of essays, published
in 15 issues of the journal, focused on typography,
writing, and life and is the work of a master cal-
ligrapher, type designer, and teacher of lettering
and design.
Letterletter was a journal published by Gerrit
Noordzij during the last two decades of the twen-
tieth century. The collection of essays, published
in 15 issues of the journal, focused on typography,
writing, and life and is the work of a master cal-
ligrapher, type designer, and teacher of lettering
and design.
Book Design

I was inspired by the LetterLetter, letter was repeated by tiwce. Therefore, I chose two different fonts, a serif font with an old style and a more modern sans serif font.